Seagreens® certified ingredients are being incorporated into a growing range of manufactured foods. Whether this is for a purely functional purpose, to replace salt, to improve texture, or add complexity to flavour, the researched nutritional benefits are worth considering for different market segments like free from, vegan, weight loss or other dietetic foods. Taste studies completed at Sheffield in 2009 showed consumers preferring a 50% salt replacement with Seagreens® in plain and wholemeal bread. All our ingredients provide a broad balance of all the micronutrients, and are shown to offer specific benefits especially in connection with digestion, obesity, diabetes, blood and circulatory disorders and heart disease. An award-winning study in obesity demonstrated a significant reduction in energy intake after a daily meal containing Seagreens®, published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Appetite. This early research at the Centre for Food Innovation at Sheffield Hallam University, aimed to investigate the acceptability of using Seagreens® enriched bread as part of a meal, and measured its effect on energy intake and nutrient absorption in overweight, healthy males. Results also indicated positive consumer acceptance of the incorporation of Seagreens® into a staple food such as bread.
Subsequent studies have also confirmed that it regulates and reduces blood sugar, and the glycemic index of carbohydrate foods.
Compared to a control bread, consumption of the enriched bread at breakfast in our obesity trials led to a significant reduction (16.4%) in energy intake at a test meal 4 hours later, with no adverse effect on nutrient uptake. Indeed, it improved the daily breadth and balance of virtually all the nutrient groups. A decade of applied research shows the potential to use Seagreens® 'nutritious food seaweed' in weight management products, many dietetic, free-from, and animal product replacement foods, and to deliver a broad natural balance of minerals and micronutrients in response to wide-ranging population deficiencies. | You can brand the ingredient and apply the additional caché of the Nutritious Food Seaweed (NFS) standard logo. Seagreens research since 2008 is published in the professional journals and on BBC News,, and A UK Government sponsored research project conducted at The Centre for Food Innovation, Sheffield, England, concluded in 2008 that Seagreens® is not only a viable flavouring alternative to salt, but that it can also extend the shelf life of food, due to its unique nutritional and microbiological properties. In February 2010, lead researcher Professor Andrew Fairclough told the Chester Food & Environemtnal Science Week conference: "This study demonstrates for the first time that Seagreens® Ascophyllum nodosum is a potential replacement for salt and can be used to achieve salt levels below the recommended limit specifically in breads with additions". Further microbiological studies pointed to its usefulness as a natural preservative, whether or not replacing salt. There are many potential applications in many kinds of food, all of which can deliver other functional health benefits supported by Seagreens® nutrition research studies, For example, please click here for more information about iodine sufficiency. Seagreens is an ideal natural source of iodine, and whilst replacing salt can also supplement iodine, where the use of a number of authorised health claims can also be used. |
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