Seagreens® Information Service  0845-0640040 / +44-1444-400403
Bodycare ingredients

Seagreens® wild seaweed species have many applications in body, hair and skin care.

Seagreens® own research and scientific evidence from a range of studies are grounds for its use in satiety, obesity, weight regulation, skin and hair care and in many other aplications.

The independent Seaweed Health Foundation and its academic partners are well placed to conduct studies for one or a number of interested Brand Partners who may share in research and licensing.

Customers like Neal’s Yard Remedies have been using Seagreens® for many years.

Early discussion regarding your new product development is welcomed and may lead to genuine innovation as well as the right choice of ingredient.

Whole health, whole person. all ages
  • Fine Granules readily mix into a paste, poultice or wet mix (visually a powder but actually homogenous fine granules which, unlike powders, mix evenly, do not congeal, do not create dust

  • Medium or Large Granules may suit an application where visibility or the tangible feel of the seaweed is required

  • Large Pieces can be soaked or boiled in water to release their minerals and other nutrients