Proven iodine sufficiency for adults and children Half the population and 76% of girls in the UK lack dietary iodine (1); 80% of women are deficient in pregnancy, associated with congenital abnormalities and low intelligence from an early age in their offspring (2). The WHO regards iodine insufficiency as the greatest cause of preventable brain damage in children worldwide. More broadly, iodine contributes to normal thyroid hormone production and thyroid, nervous system and cognitive function, normal energy-yielding metabolism, and the maintenance of normal skin. Seaweed is the richest source of bioavailable iodine, yet one of the least available minerals in our agricultural soils. Unlike other food sources - eggs, dairy, meat, fish and shellfish - it is vegetable, with a comprehensive nutritional profile. Certain species contain all the minerals and co-factors needed for the proper transport and metabolism of iodine, including iron, selenium, zinc, copper, and vitamins A, B2, B3, B6 and C. There is a plethora of iodine supplements, from common potassium iodide to liquid solutions, and tablets and capsules which incorporate various leves of seaweed or ‘kelp’. Seagreens® has distinguished itself over the past 20 years, pioneering the production of our native seaweeds for human nutriiton, and conducting independent research on iodine and the thyroid, published in the British Journal of Nutrition. There was no adverse effect on the thyroid, normalisation of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), and a known safe level of iodine uptake at about 33% of the total content (3). Seagreens® Iodine+ Capsules have over 10 years’ safe use among practitioners and consumers providing at least the 250 micrograms per day (µg/day) recommended during pregnancy and lactation, within a safe WHO upper limit of 17µg/kg body weight or 1000µg/day (2). Iodine Lite+ is Seagreens’ new blend for children, or adults wishing merely to ‘top up’ a diet that may only sometimes be iodine sufficient. They ““would not exceed the recommended daily intake even if consumed by those with sufficient iodine”says researcher, EmilyCombet. This is because the iodine is bound to protein ions and can be ‘unbound’ as needed, or excreted. Associated research (4) shows Seagreens®to be an effective prebiotic, which helps stabilize and prolong the absorption of its iodine. References 1 Vanderpump MPJ, et al. The Lancet, Vol. 377, 9782:2007-2012, 2011. 2 Bath SE, et al. Environ Geochem Health, 37:619–629, 2015. 3 Combet E, et al. British Journal of Nutrition, 9:1-9, 2014. 4 Chater PI, et al. Journal of Applied Phycology, 28:1303-1313, 2016. and Wheater H, and Kent Z, PhD studies, Newcastle University, 2012. | Detoxification Along with the special polysaccharides and other nutrients in these seaweeds, iodine clearly has a role in the detoxification of heavy metals, observed in research. “The results obtained... revealed that in some subjects, the urine levels of mercury, lead, and cadmium increased by several times after just one day of supplementation. For aluminium, this increased excretion was not observed usually until after one month or more on the iodine supplementation.” Furthermore, this author’s research in orthoiodosupplementation achieved “increased urinary excretion of the goitrogens flouride and bromide (122, 123). |
Seagreens® Iodine+ Capsules