Seagreens® Information Service  0845-0640040 / +44-1444-400403
People using Seagreens® - Pet owners



"Since December 2009 I started giving my little Norwich Terrier, Freddie, the Pet Granules (Seagreens® Ascophylum Granules). I bought him as a 7 month puppy from a reputable breeder, but unfortunately at a year old he showed symptons of demodectic mange. January 2009 I took him to the University of Cambridge Queen's Veterinary Hospital where they confirmed his condition and told me that puppies get this from suckling from their mother who carries the condition. After putting him through 3 lots of complete shaves to enable the vets to treat his skin it was not until September 2009 that the vets eventually considered the mites were dead. At that time I was not aware of the Pet Granules, although I am a long term advocate of Seagreens for myself. I had tried everything for his immune system, even importing powders from the USA. In December 2009 I was ready to order some capsules for myself and noticed a leaflet in my file with the article on Pet Granules, and knew that I should try them for Freddie. The results in the last 3 months have been phenomenal! He is bright eyed, lively, and eating well. I am convinced his immune system has improved since taking the Granules, and congratulate you for producing them. I have recommended them to my local vet" - Maggie Perkins, Peterborough, March 2010.

"All the cats and kittens are now having (Pet & Equine Granules) in their food - they are eating it up without any problems. They usually turn their noses up in suspicion when you add any sort of medication at all so this is good. It will be particularly interesting to see if there is any improvement in the breeding performance of Lily who only ever has a single kitten! Also my young imported girl who had health problems as a kitten who has now just been mated and will be on it throughout her pregnancy" - Susan Moreland, Veterinary Surgeon, Shropshire

"Our dog has also benefitted from the Seagreens® granules in recovering from a sprained back leg. He has more energy and better weight. We have noticed that his digestion is not so good when we stop giving him the granules" - Mrs KEM, Crowborough



"Horses looking well in their coat and their eyes! My Vet wanted to know what I am giving them!" - Glyn Slade-Jones, Herefordshire

"My 13 year old cairn terrier, Jasper, is taking your Seagreens, and has been doing so all this year. He has a history of skin problems, digestive troubles and sensitivity to loud noise - in short, a real bundle of problems.

This year has been radically different. Usually by this time of year he is almost bald from tail to shoulders, from scratching and licking, but everyone has remarked on his silky, thick coat, and no bald patches. For an older dog his energy is tremendous, and his tummy is not bloated any more. The only change to what I have tried in previous years is to start Jasper on your Seagreens, so that is what I am crediting with his improved health this year. Many thanks, I could not recommend the product more highly" - R R, Homeopath, West Sussex

"Tubby (a Golden Retriever) suffered from 'hot spots' all his life, an awful malady: large raging sores which start as an itch and can erupt anywhere - and there is no medication which seems to help. Secondary infection is common because the dog scratches the sores. I have not found a vet who thinks they know what causes them - they can only treat the resulting infections and let it run its course. Our plumber introduced us to Seagreens and for 3 years we have been giving Tubby 1 teaspoon per day of the Pet Granules. In Year One the hot spot eruptions diminished considerably but still appeared from time to time. In Year Two they vanished. We are now well into Year Three and so far, no new ones. Please use this to help other Retriever owners. Vets don't seem to know about this" - Mrs L. Hoerner, Gloucestershire

Click here to find out more about the Pet & Equine Granules.

Horse Rider with Dog
Mrs Hoerner's 'Tubby': Seagreens® brought relief from 'hot spots'